Here is some useful information about booking and your appointment
Please choose a dietitian in the filters on the left side of your screen when you book, otherwise the system will book you with whoever is available in your chosen time slot, although they might not be the right dietitian for your needs.
You can view our clinical team and their expertise by selecting 'team' from the black banner above. If you're not sure which dietitian is right for you, please contact us, we're happy to advise you.
All our appointments are currently being held online via Zoom and you will be sent a link shortly before your appointment.
New appointments are charged at £180/£150 and follow up appointments are £90.
We offer packages of three or six appointments at a discounted rate, which you can discuss with your dietitian.
You will be sent an invoice with an online payment link after your consultation.
Please add a brief note about what you would like help with when you book. If we require any further information from you before your appointment, we will contact you directly.
We have an FAQs section on our website for more information.
For any other questions, please e-mail or call us on +44207 632 7582